Sunday, January 30, 2011

24 Hr Laundromats In Manhattan

Chamberlain - Live reports (almost) Sicily Italy

It is said that one night in a beautiful room, located between Syracuse and played the Cassibile Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Roman fantastic duo, which I did the second interview of my still short career. Before the children the wolf, rose a band on stage, totally unknown to me, that opened the show. First notes and my fifth sense and a half (yes, like that other) told me that these kids there was talent. British sounds, dirty, angry, dissonant bursts of returning to friendly melodies. A charge is incredible that leaves no one satisfied and enthusiastic.

Wave 2010 Select Italy, a few months later. Among the Sicilian band selected to play in the semifinals is a band by the name of Chamberlain ? I try, I end up on their MySpace, and surprise, surprise ... the band that are just enchanted me in Syracuse! Listening to the songs and find the same taste of live a few months earlier. Those sounds that recall the Oasis (buonanima!) and that song so reminiscent of the uvula Gallagher home leave no room for doubt.

Change of location, 27 August 2010. The undersigned organization launches an improbable contest for emerging bands, redefined by a friend as "competition for band in turmoil." Among the groups selected by a jury find the Chamberlain. Finished fourth in the competition, however, giving evidence of being a band that dominates the scene.

2010, the band suffered the abandonment of one of two guitarists, on the eve of the release of their new EP " Moon in June / Superstition."

January 2011. After several months on the run from a live, Catania offers a platform to these five musicians to express themselves. I remain enthusiastic again. The sound has evolved once again, the arrival of a new element to the guitar has certainly made its contribution by the turn Chamberlain to sound more aggressive, more raw and more psychedelic. The lineup runs through tracks originals and some covers, sung in a rather personal and convincing. One must also mention the bad luck that will welcome a new member of the group before the concert, or a technical failure in the pedals before live. Since its first concert together with Chamberlain I can promote it with flying colors, I'm sure it will give its contribution to the project.

By now I know them well, never forget neither their name nor their project. The last EP (more like a single, really) is very interesting. It is not revolutionary nor the series "never heard before, but today is really hard to say something completely new. A band an interesting walk behind him and an even more intriguing story to follow.

Johnny Cantamessa

Friday, January 28, 2011

After Hpylori Treatment Still Not Feeling Good

I want to leave.
No place is suitable.
No person is the same.
conversations blend into a boomerang effects.
seems to be flaking, but not for a cleaner. A series of events
I think I have lost every landmark, every human illusion.
If we are to realism, there is little to stimulate the desire to continue.
What are we going?
What is "this"? At this point
even know why I do what I do, because I move every day
projecting a future, an enrichment of my knowledge
through direct contact with the problems, and people like me.
That those people like me but they have crossed the threshold at which all
jump every day.
not cross the yellow line through.
threshold boundary, the demarcation line, limit or border quarantine.
Beyond that there is chaos, what we all dread.
The most violent, brazen, unexpected lightning.
What happens when you want to happen and in the most catastrophic.
Weather impossible fog.
Dematerialization statistics.
And it takes very little to overcome it.
just eat a tiny piece of your self for dinner and you're done.
I need to go.
Why do not I feel more myself.
run after ideas, people run after, run after hours and days.
I do not look further into,
after so many years of fear
has managed to crush me.
I do not have the courage.
I have no pride in myself.
I need to do something big, something that few do,
something to be proud of, so find the pleasure to be there again.
Maybe I should go back to stimulate the art which has now vanished into the labyrinth of
Nobody told me that I have something that most others do not, nobody has more
said that it is worth continuing because it transmits something, no one believed in my abilities.
words. Words. Words.
The usual notes.
and people are getting worse, all have fled, all slowly approaching the bottom.
They all need help but no one is able to give first aid to himself.
We are trapped in a madhouse paralleloidi insultingly capable of telepathy.
I feel more and more things that are missing the call.
I do not feel like a woman nor made, nor as an intellectual, nor as an artist.
I'm too rational, the fantasy has become rotten. Rot
's all too obvious, there's no "wonder".
It 's always the usual tangle of wires while still knotted in a different way
scioglibile is at a distance with her eyes.
E 'trivial. E 'predictable. It 's the usual sad end.
I want to do.
But to make a tree you want wood, the wood does it take to make the tree.
And the second term of the speech is missing or if there is not always durable.
enough to believe? Once, twice, thrice. Result 1, result 2, result 3.
Commento1: mh, carino.Commento2: mh, dai.Commento3 you, but I know compared to the best
E 'we have a' part of the whole brain is not developed.
E 'that the other is more or less working.
E 'which said that, do not understand how you can wake up that mystery,
look into her eyes and kissing.
There is no genius.

Here we are. Sedentary
We have become sedentary, walrus-away, occasionally owls soluble.
I know it gets worse.
I know that everything is falling apart foxy queen.
I'd like a tub of colorful balls, with the sound of plastic and fake insanity
to swim for days in my agony, surrounded by red and networks of parents
in panic searching for their children.
Maybe I would think, or just let me drown. Yum
green ball. Yum yellow ball. Phagocytosis of
Virtual pet.
So no one notices.

No. Because until you tell him everything is fine. According
is just better.
Man is a social animal? And he needs to stay in touch with others?
admit that is true, but it is not necessary confidence in their fellow beings. Corinth
me and I always try.
Groped, look, take, organize, find time, cutting, sanding, cleaning, making dry, cut
, try, paste, measure, add, tighten, tighten, test.
That 's what every person does in his life.
Groped to do something.
Consider ways to do it.
Take it and organize it.
find the time.
cut into parts, broken down into simple parts to arrive at the complex.
sanding that is wrong.
Clean all from all impurities.
Dry over time, wait. Cut
still simple parts to correct the imperfections.
Try to realize.
Glue the parts of your life.
extent, be careful.
Combine all in a single mass.
Screw and then tighten the teeth.

test things and contemplate the result.

And all this on the coldest days of the year.

And then?
Groped, look, take, organize, find time to continue.
is still what it is!
And 'this, keep trying. Pergolas
floating in the sea of \u200b\u200binjustice. And we
we stop each other for fear of
know how many more will be attempted this ciclounicomangiaserotonina.

Hp Network Printer Setup Wizard

Wave Band 2011 edition - Members and select

are the official names of the 131 well-recorded edition 2011 Italy Wave Band in Sicily.

These are bands from all parts of Sicily in the coming months will tread the stages of the main clubs in Sicily to participate in the finals that will take the winning team to play on the stages of Italy Wave Love Festival 2011 .

to be part of the jury:
  • Roberto Cammarata and Gaetano Mazza (Italy Wave for regional managers of Sicily)
  • Gianfranco Raymond and Vincenzo Barreca (artistic directors Ypsigrock Independent Festival)
  • Dario Canebière (philosopher, an expert in music)
  • Antonio Puglia (journalist, writer and translator, SentireAscoltare, JAM, The Pile Extra, one of the authors of the book "1000 Songs that have changed my life" - Rizzoli, 2009)

The selections will be held: March 11
@ La Factory Siracusa (SR)
Candelai March 18 @ I, Palermo (PA)

March 19 @ The Candle, Palermo (PA)

March 25 @ New Montevergini, Palermo (PA)

March 26 @ New Montervergini, Palermo (PA)

April 2, Regional Final @ New Montevergini, Palermo (PA)

For the names of members

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pentax Water Pump Diagram

Waines - study report

I have to admit that there are few times when I happen to feel blonde. Blonde airhead who does not understand in the sense of a kinda what you are talking about. Well for one night I was platinum blonde worthy of Playboy.

The cause of this sudden change of personality and intellect were stunned this Waines.

I introduced myself, almost suddenly, at The Cave of Catania, where the study have been closed for days to record "I", the highly anticipated new album. An album that is not even born (although it lacks a little), but they feel him all the weight and responsibility of being the successor of "Stu".

The climate in the studio is relaxed, with the boys ( Fabio Rizzo, Roberto Cammarata and Ferdinando Piccoli ) Focus on the job and almost serious, as the few times I happened to see them. Ferdinand Except of course, he did not stir even bombs. He moves only the phone's battery.

" Kastronov is too good to be in the studio recording. A record Waines mean "Fabio tells me, which of course is not far away from school too long. " was about time we started working on this record, almost two years that came out Stu."

It is useless to pretend to be there at all, because I'm sure you're curious to know what that is coming out of these sessions in the studio. What I can say is that thankfully it's not Stu second part. That is not the case when a band decides to march on the road that has already taken them away. But all were assured that it is always Waines totally Waines.

Roberto asked me: "Do you think what kind is it? We ask this for days, we can not capirl or ".

guitars, the guitars sound like that, I can assure you there are. But there are also sounds that you've never heard come out of three musicians and so you wonder where it comes from hidden synth. There is almost a low and it does not expect it. And then there's the small battery, and I need not say more. All under the control and supervision of Daniel Grasso, the landlord, who appears from time to time to recommend the perfect setting while Fabio retorts with a joke after the other and a play on words below to ' more.

And here the moment you become blonde. Why of course not talking in the studio: you encode. A "thing" that is a bit 'code just a little' is made of brand names and serial numbers and some 'technicalities music. And I find myself with people who speak a click and dub, synth and amp, with revenue, belly and presence, baritones and fade. But not only complicate the situation because we are to understand that they are beginning to say phrases like " But if I depart from you-tu-ta-ta-ta CIA and then you put the king who do not have to leave because has been abducted me and put it in the second track, which is the one with the green fade tagliaretina, a couple of mappazze and we . And do not tell me that you understand why we do not believe it!

But I became the blonde for another reason, and I do mea culpa. Because while always respecting the work musicians, I never really made great account so far of the importance of buying CDs. This is not intended as a campaign against piracy, I do not care about morals. But if one day you happen to like me to get into a recording studio, ignorant, and how to record a disc, well I'm sure that will change your mind. Now shut up chasing the perfection of sound, with the coach (Valerie) who knows by heart the brand and model number of all instruments and who knows you repeat, almost without fail, all settings of the instruments of the song they recorded two days before. Waines And you see them on stage and say " melee are good!", But do not have them are not seen as a smear in at least half a dozen tracks recorded and superimposed. "Thanks to Caspian knew " you alls music experts say that some of you know more than me (and it does not take much).

But then I ask you: if you know why the cd will not buy them there?

WARNING! It 's a campaign against their professional, well read the leaflet.

WARNING! The Waines can be addicting, it is recommended the administration children under 13 years only if they promise not to listen to Justin Bibier.

Vanessa "Paris" Castronovo

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Cytherea Mandingo

diary pages (of a singer on the road) - Chapter 2: and bring all know about the your # @


Of course, if you spend the first three weeks of concerts and meetings and the rest, started a different chapter, a chapter that I titled "And I bring all your cocks!" made of crumpled pages often anger and a certain weariness, but also a lot of news and betting, a real adventure . Looking for a house and sleep in the meantime my cousin in Downtown (Downtown how beautiful!) Waking up with a smile on my nephew Joachim who has not yet launched a year but is already open arms to life, share house on the 28th with teenager fond of music, the daughter of my friend and teacher Cinzia Spata, find a home in Brooklyn and, once arrived at last, also find a slate that reads "W elcome home Laura (Welcome!)" ... What can I say? Pure magic!

This second chapter also speaks of looking for places for music and people that make the music, my time, because I want to sing my songs in this city and these people. The chapter still open, of course, not without difficulties, but now something starts to move, two new shows on the horizon and collected many meetings. It is a chapter that has the colors of Christmas lights that were turned suddenly and who are just like in the movies, only to be partially covered by whiteness of snow brought in late December by one of the largest storms in U.S. history. A chapter in which a Palermo learn to deal with a cold ever known before, and to walk for days on the heels of some significance. The key word is live, live for the present and will not be repeated in the future which we hope to build, step by step, touch-on, Friendship after friendship, an engine that turns on the question "When accounts back? "

And so, there are still three weeks to live here before taking the plane that will take me to something that I can barely imagine, is home, of course, but will be very different view with new eyes, I I will be different because they are already in place and a deep sense of curiosity accompanies this awareness. I can not say that it is not happy to be back and reunited with my family, friends who were with me in my thoughts, in these past months away, but will certainly leave a lot of pain. For now I think we just do not want to think, but when it happens it is a blow to the stomach. I would not have to go and leave my life here ...

And besides, if we could always do what you want to lose some of the best opportunities to learn something, 'because you do not put too close to never look better .

That will be the third chapter, therefore, will begin soon and will go up on the plane, as well as the first started as soon as I took the flight that brought me here: you feel inside something different, intense excitement mixed to determine, because each trip is an adventure if you address it as such. And so I come home full of memories and experiences, lots of new friends and contacts to grow, full of intentions, hopes, plans and a glittering vintage wardrobe!

Meanwhile time is waiting for me there that vibrates and I with him, there is still the Moma to visit at least twice more, to do a picnic in Central Park full of snow, Keith Jarrett at Carnegie Hall and many jam sessions to attend ... and then two more concerts to prepare, in a duo with a great Italian bass player who has lived here more than two years, Gianluca Renzi, in an Italian church in Long Island and another in New Jersey, trio Gianluca and Fabio Morgera, great trumpeter Italian-New Yorker, by the end of the month!

I am very happy to have made that choice, they have changed the course of events laid the instinct to do what I suggested. Now I'm here and are even stronger because I know I can rely on instinct and it will always be able to tell me what is the direction to take.

Photo Claudia Ragusa

Laura Campisi

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jamba Juice Stock Reviews

Oratio - live report

concerts where the audience gets to sing the songs of the artist I bet you'll have seen many. I bet that you too, more often than not, you just sit there singing word for word the text of your favorite song (lucky you, I could never remember a full!).

But a concert where the audience participates by playing not know about you, but I had never seen.

Let's take a step back to a cold yet serene evening of January when there will be a concert in the square in front of the room. The time for sound check and started to rain. The band is then forced to make bags and move inside the room, crammed between the bar and bathrooms. E 'in this context that we introduce Oratio (Nee Andrea Horn), a singer originally from Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto but adopted by Palermo Malintenti under the supervision of Toti Poeta. And in such a context, you'd expect at least some swear by it, forced to play in a square meter of space. But no, there is a smile.

"The concert can begin" and BAM! pass a guy and carries the plug and everything. Swearing? Of course not! Jokes while on the master Oliviero (forced to play with his face to the wall that seems to be a punishment) tries to hang around. Guitarist Jekyll also breaks the string of guitar. Three times. The player piano at some point dies. Nervousness? Of course not! The only regret Oratio is to be inside, not to smoke, but elects amaretto & jack as official drink of the evening.

The songs presented are those of "Now I've " 2009 album chosen as the best record in circulation by the same musicians in Sicily (according to my little survey of the field).

I arrive at the concert this time not fully fasts of his songs, but what I find is that what 'Oratio being played is not the which is in the same disk. L 'Oratio live, while maintaining an enviable calm, has a more passionate, more blood than the sound of the album composed and firm. Oratio is alive and demonstration of how the songwriting goes Sicilian becoming more specific connotations. Divided between Messina, Catania and Palermo, Oratio seems to have absorbed the entirety of all the sounds around the island and have them contained within the songs. His lyrics, which range from the disillusionment of reality el'onirismo flight of fancy, fully reflect what is the spirit of poetic narrative of the Sicilian singer-songwriter, less and less fashionable, more and more a way of expression.

Vanessa Castronovo

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sayings That Rhyme With 2010

diary pages (of a singer on the road) - Section 1

From my room for rent in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), the beginning of my third month in New York City, the whirlwind of feelings and I'm enriching experiences, gained from an idea with her friend Vanessa Castronovo ... here are the first pages of a journal that aims to be a random point as life itself.
some time now I have the good fortune to travel extensively, so quench my wandering soul and working with my inclinations. For what I have proposed Vanessa in a diary in installments, to be expanded as I will present an opportunity for a new journey.
Meanwhile starts from here, from the Big Apple, and it seems a good start.
I've always loved keeping a journal, although the consistency is not my forte. I never wrote, however, whether publicly with joy for what I am embarking on this new experience, a journey within a journey into the great journey that is life.

Chapter 1 - New York City, Thursday, January 6, 2011

I light up a cigarette, go! Which is very "writer."

The sky outside the window, took the colors of the sunset beautiful American colors I have seen only here. Since landing at JFK, November 6, 2010, I wondered how is it that the sky here is clear and phosphorescent colors in stripes, orange and pink. Even the clouds acquire the same tones. The day started very bright, the sky was veiled by a filter mat. Now you are done, crayon, and it seems to dawn.
I'm listening to " Diary by Ralph Towner, it seemed perfect for the occasion.

are in New York City two months exactly and what still amazes me most is the feeling of "home" I felt from day one and still with me, now reinforced and stable, despite the many differences in this part of the world and the necessary moments of loss is so difficult that a city requires.

is a beautiful place that forces you to measure up yourself every single day, a daily struggle as a tender love affair, which finds rest only after taking fire and dug deep ruts in the street. I do not know why, but walking the streets of Manhattan has always calmed me, even in the darkest days, filling the chest with an unexpected sense of belonging and stability. I could not imagine my feeling everything, busy roads, sidewalks teeming with people-train sure-footed and bewildered and delighted tourists stop at intersections, buildings and fire escapes, the skyscrapers lit up like in the postcards. I lift up my eyes as I walk often, to gaze at the chaotic and many geometric shapes and colors, but looks are fleeting impressions with which I steal now I keep in memory. I have not heard even once a tourist, and this amazes me and makes me proud for some reason I still do not know.

I came here to sing, which makes this something absolutely magical. I got convinced to stay for only three weeks. Everything was set: the four concerts (Little Italy, Long Island, Westchester and Downtown Manhattan), the meeting by John T La Barbera, an Italian-American guitarist who accompanied me was during performances, tests in New Jersey, the number of houses where I stayed. I met John for the first time at Washington Park, we immediately started to play well, on a bench, people approached curious, someone sat down in front of us and shook my hand wishing me good luck, to 17: 30 had already dropped to the dark and a man who had listened long improvised a rap dedicated to me ... "Welcome to New York, baby!"

I spent five days in the Queens home of a lady Palermo who has lived here for almost forty years, Mrs. Giampino, and acted as a grandmother, I have slept for three nights on an air mattress in a beautiful apartment in Midtown with my friend and guardian angel Olivia, I spent a week in the Bronx and then I went to Boston, where I visited Berklee College of Music and celebrated Thanksgiving with the family of Olivia. Even before leaving for Boston had taken a decision: I would have stayed longer, I would not go away. I knew a guy who had invited me to sing some songs in his electronic music group that was to perform in December around the city. It was an opportunity I was waiting, albeit unconsciously, and it was so fresh that I sent my return ticket, set for Nov. 28, and I've got a new one for February 1. The fact that the concert in December are then sauteed in mass is a secondary aspect of the story, then the damage was done and my life really began in New York! And so, here I am!

The concerts of November have been phenomenal for the most part by the warm welcome of the audience. I imagined that in America to bring the traditional repertoire Sicilian was a good experience, but never imagined such a reaction of affection and esteem, as if I came to them with her hands laden with gold. It was a great human and professional education that has ignited in me a deep sense of pride that is difficult I experienced in Italy, except in certain specific occasions and magical. I do not want to say that here in the States is all roses, or that it is easy to make music for a living ... Indeed! You often do not pay local, competition is high and the city of New York has a habit of breaking your back! But despite what the musician is accepted as a person of importance, as a messenger of the divine offerings to the human, the divine feeling, emotion and learning. The same does not happen in Italy, where very often the job of musician is not even recognized as such ...

Laura Campisi

photo Claudia Ragusa

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To Put Cheats On Gpsphone Easiest Way

Human Relations

Human relations

Human relations are very complex, long highways dotted

full of expenditure and income, so full of
written could hardly even look at them.
escaped and fled.
machinery whizzing. Neighbours
running lane.
No time to be able to look in the eyes .. Have you ever gone.
No time to know what made your face.
So are the human relationships, complex and
disarming and elusive.
They always have their own version of the facts
and degrees of vision are so many that I can hardly understand them. I fear that someone fails
something and someone else will add others that he has never seen.
It 'hard to see clearly the situation when two people tell you about two different visions of the same situation now.
Indeed, it is impossible.
Some doubt arises.
The question always arises, there is nothing that we can refrain from doubt.
Grossi doubts also arise when these reports, which have previously had a path that theoretically would be the most educated and right now continues on a path even more of culture and then take their place in the world, are in a continuous open your mouth and pose with racist jokes, cynical, extremely annoying and irritating, ignorant.
phrases that not even the worst intersection hope to hear.
's so. How
natural plots, including a speech and another, leave.
blather babe on the bad luck of others who do not even know by reporting it all with great awareness [which really does say] the quality of the material evidence of a bra one day in one of the new shops in the area.
Well, this blather from the nausea.
Studio, menano so you know, I made a path to success with big voices and a good reputation from fucking high school, go on to university with the aim to become teachers of our children and then discriminate between sentences and the other an entire race, disfigure the smile of the person next to her boyfriend because he is unemployed and "not even a chance to keep it, spend the day watching transmissions of plastic surgery for schizoid depression that were left by their earlier ex-husband / ex-wife, work in the morning six hours in the evening and go play the wii to make great dinners in upscale restaurants.
to no end, after claiming to have a house, a car, a guy with money, an ATM, pay bills, to be completely autonomous in twenty years ..
Announce a trip that obviously after all the dreams you listed above ..

But apparently there is a part and a part.
There's a part that the money does not have them and one who does not know where ficcarseli.

An evening on Saturday night from 35 euro entry which is what you want?? But you know who is the dj??
But you know what I'll fuck? 1 to 10?

Gia human relationships are complex and sometimes struggle to understand each other.
Sometimes I wish I had a huge scoop schiacciazanzare crushed to make on their faces when haughty "clu" speech.
There are also silent human relations that are the most fearful.
The mystery is frightening.
When a person does not speak, when a person has no social life, when one person in twenty has never had a boyfriend and you do not even begin to look suspicious.
The two directions to go: the fucked up or fear.
In the first case, probably a person who has a problem with those listed above, will never want to go out, try and talk.
In the second, probably, somewhere that is held inside out and you wonder when, how, why and what above all.
What would say if he had spoken?
entire evening to break up the tablecloth restaurant, a draw with the coca-cola on the table outlines hypothetical.
But the other? What wanted to achieve by participating in a social event? What did you expect? As the evening had to go? E 'satisfied even so? When he saw the laughter of the other thing he may have thought?
entire evening, watching the others discuss, quietly laughing at jokes and trying in every way to be present in the field of view of others present.
And here lies not something inside said, do not vent.

Human relationships are also bastards.
Yeah, come back year after news of old roads used that instead of the insults put signs in all directions.
Only unfinished business because no one in this era is able to say things in the face of direct concerned.
Come to find out why they stop only to be heard, from one hour to another, one day to another. So
say nothing and disappear.
But since the choice is this jack .. YOU CAN NOT BE SILENT FOR EVER fuck?

also lurks in me something hidden, unspoken, non-vented.
Who knows how, what .. when ..





not adessooooooooooo


Friday, January 14, 2011

Times Table 1000x1000

And here

Baaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyy Coooooooooooooontraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I was already totally broken: D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vip Night Invite Wording

Personal file in the online section of the Saatchi Gallery Article on

Through this link you can access my personal page in the online section of the Saatchi Gallery (London). Enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Denise Milani Canopy Bed


brains, skeletons, bones, organs and muscles. neurons, coiled DNA, the nerve centers. seems to dive back into the past. In the past that seemed to unite in a big family. If I think I was so small, so inexperienced in life, relationships, friendships and love affairs. of passions for what is right and what is not, what is well for me and what is bad for everyone. I was so baby, I'm happy up just slightly. I only had a night out with music and a bunch of crap. The cold, the desert city did not care. There was neancora THAT distressing breathing down your neck, that reminds you that everything is a lot of crap, that all those people, those with whom you spent all those years laughing and joking, are not nothing but hypocrites, infamous traitors, assholes, voltabandiera, people of convenience, failed, false and murderers of all trust earthly immature and without diginità. now even able to admit mistakes, even able to remedy the harm done even able to lower his head and show humility, even capable of being human, not able to stop and ruin ruin, even able to keep quiet when talk is just an insult to themselves, not able to live, living for themselves and not speculating on others. The other well chosen among the smallest, the most inexperienced, the weakest, the last to arrive .. False. Hypocrites. bastards. Inhumans. Voltabandiera.
But it's not what I wanted to talk.
Not all those ghosts that appear to friends and then reveal the worst of your ills.
But simply chewing gum, candies and long strawberry sugar-coated,
of fake green leather jacket, the bullet between the eyes, hats and colored hair, River, photos, piercing , of the faces, stupid video, fruity candles, ambient, letters of wholemeal bread with honey, baggy pants, long hair, smiles and spontaneous simplicity.
Gia. The I-riguardate.2004 2005-2006. We were fine, we were little, we were sweet, we were free, we were carefree, we were silly. I miss all these things. Not that there are no longer among us, but there is the possibility of not knowing what we have learned so far. There was no real problem of the future, what to do, how to prepare, how much money, how to earn it. There was no problem guys, we did not care much love, if the captain of kisses well, if not, who cares about that too. We did not think with those who spend years with people who build something, with those who have stable relationships and how to defend them from our paranoia, our fears, our inadequacy. There was the issue of abandonment, of any of the fields if the first experiences of false friends. But nothing terrible, nothing is marked in the hearts and memory. Nothing creates trauma evokes fears, would mean not being able to behave properly or as before. Nothing removes the ability to be spontaneous in the actions and choices. There was even the problem of how everything flowed giornate.Era the simplest, most enjoyed, tasted more, more experienced. There was no question of "law enforcement", there were no arrests or family, not There were soldiers in the streets, there was no need to show, scream, become apparent. There was the problem of family arguments, the brother who is cut, the brother who'll break the entire room when angry, the brother who takes drugs, the brother who threatens you with a piece of glass. There was a big problem to solve, if not the fear of growing up and making missteps. But this still is.

There was only the present and the imagination. We grew more than was projected in the future nothing short of revolutionary, where the role of all of us had recognized you did a good job, we had good colleagues, had his home and his car, his stable boy with whom you feel good. Some peculiarities in the style of dress, make, there was talk about, because obviously I would never be equal. I never put the heels, or shirts, I never had a normal hair much less I'd wear a small purse or paiette. Oh yes that he plays tricks on the imagination. projections and prospects, expectations. And here I am. I arrived at those dreaded two decades. Yes my hair is weird, yes ok my clothing is weird, so I do not put okok heels or handbags small but ... not have a job, my role and that of others is certainly not recognized, an apartment if they can afford only son of the father, the car I decided not to put it in my priorities, the guy we get a stable dozen question marks .. And the future? anyone wants to add a trillion question marks? Does anyone know if there? If we pursue our goals? Does anyone know if they will give us more money? Does anyone know if we get to old age? Does anyone know if that will come to a place to put that is not a common grave? Someone know if we have a house? If we can make and keep their children? If we want more children in a world like this? Does anyone know if that so idealized family Mulino Bianco still exist? The more I look around, most people know, the more I am convinced that families no longer exist. There are more than other situations where the husband forces the wife to submit, or conversely, parents who continue to live after the divorce to deceive their children that they are not alone, that children are not considered absolutely, that crazy and children are admitted to the clinic psychiatric, children who kill parents, children who kill their girlfriends to vent the misery family, children, depressed and alone, children who pierce with a beautiful syringe full of heroin, for children who have passed through a red bike are killed in the barracks, children for speaking the truth are detained, beaten, raped, made inhuman. And if this is only a thousandth of what I can see ... I wonder what all the rest, what exists and how things will evolve.
Only worse. Who knows make predictions for the coming years? DO NOT DO IT.
That 's what was not there when it was smaller ...
There was the knowledge that makes a big suck.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Do You Specify Furniture Type On A Rth2310

Wilda - Night banquet

aftertaste of whiskey, the smell of smoke and an ashtray full of butts off.

He Marsullo Raffaele, Wilda in art, and his first solo EP has exactly this flavor. So Hephaestus, from the bottom of the Sicilian volcano par excellence, continues to hammer on the anvil and its secular sparks falling on the campaign Etna fire to take shape and burns the souls of Sicilian artists.

There is no doubt that the heat generated on the first EP " Night Banquet" is a reflection of a Sicilian lived with passion, but it is clear that the intentions, as they look, are far from the Mediterranean, gained the shadow of the union jack.

Four songs, four different scenarios and stories that draw imaginative. Raffaele takes us skilfully to make of a white rabbit through rock paintings of simple daily life, many painted with simple colors. Few instruments burst onto the scene, only those needed to give voice to the sound that Wilde had in mind.

A journey that is not addressed on their own, but with the security of having a side as young as two talented musicians from the worlds of music, or Vince Matassa and Manuel Bellone, directly from The Licks (PA). The two join Raffaele to add their pieces to the puzzle of his friend, playing piano, bass, guitar, and giving three-dimensional EPI. Small gems

intimate, warm refuge from daily life that affect the chest and leave you stunned. It 's the case of simple and disarming Riversong, born on the banks of a river in Poland, at night. A troubled genesis because of coldness and detachment that multitrack recording returned to Raphael's ears, so as to induce him to record the song alone without clicking through headphones, with no overdubbing. Nude and crude, like a fraternal embrace. Without strings and violins that destabilize the atmosphere, but just old strings vibrant light-hearted words that frame the melancholy hues.

Wilda emerges from the cauldron where they are mixed together the best minds british ever, from the Beatles to the Rolling Stones, The Who through to the latest Oasis, not forgetting the spirit of Canadian Neil Young.

An interesting project, with a good engine consists of ideas, perhaps not revolutionary, but certainly genuine, the result of inspiration and dell'istintività, the inseparable companions of this young and talented musician.
Johnny Cantamessa

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Football Player Jockstrap Showing

Scoreboard live

absolutely subjective Small budget year musical past.
I want to give a report card to live I've seen, at the same time drawing up a kind of ranking.
I state that I have not seen all the concerts I wanted and, above all, have not seen them all.

Anyway this is the report card.

10 rating and praise
guitarist known that one day he decided to improvise a mini concert for his friends in the garden of the house. It was 4 am and with only guitar and vocals and a sound close to the ballads of the Second Pan of the devil and was able to give me grace, without his knowledge, in one of the most beautiful concerts I have ever witnessed.

Rated 10
course to Pan the devil, which in any way and anywhere they can resurrect everything in daily life takes away. Meritevolissimo of praise also their album "I am the bone " without doubt the winner of my 2010 music charts. Sandro vote that wins every time with all the energy it takes, leaving those 5 years of abundant life on stage.

Rating 9
For Waines, able to move even the most skeptical and settle into the brain with their songs even at the end of the concert. The bands available with the fans I have ever seen. A second, not first place ex aequo, only because their album " Stu " now I know it by heart.

rating 8
A Nicholas Carnes, training with Francis and Fair Pintaudi currents. Songs with such energy to conquer the masses of people. One of the singers able to communicate with the public in one piece and another, managing to engage and make people laugh. Two votes less than the peak deducted because the album still is not there and that makes you go home with the desire unfulfilled.

rating 7
For Locomotif , band by the grace of absolute sound with a singer, Federica, with high capacity magnetic and hypnotic. A concert that you have left me like a hug, but still you can not help but think that look like someone else too. Accrue over time.

rating 7
Even the HANK! that certainly is one of the most original band of Sicilian musical, with irreverent lyrics that sound live and that makes you forget that you had a bad day, just letting you entertain. But to see them on stage it looks like a Rastafarian, a grunge, an indie rocker and have met by chance on stage.

rating 6. For
Marlowe , which have the "blame" for having written songs that are good for listening to alone, in a moment of reflection, with a nice glass of red in hand. Note on the second guitar of Mark, pulled the ears Except for the defect from the rehearsal room to turn to the drummer during live shows. Absolutely to report and recommend their acoustic performance.

Rated 5
To Introversia , that make you spend a nice evening is acoustic rock at the height of their power. But you can not help but think that resemble a bit 'too much to Negramaro and less to Verden.

Rated 4
the Sans Papier , For the laudable desire to present a live show in nice stage presence. But to hear them live seems to be stumbled on Criss Angel who sings songs of the church. One of the few times in my life where I left a concert in half.

0 Rating
A Roberto Fiandaca. only because I've always hoped to hear him live, but despite the musical has wooed and pursued, we have never failed.

Vanessa Castronovo