sight of him.
The first time I listened to the EP by Miss Apple I thought the snow. That feeling that fills you when you sit on the stretch of ice and throw him look around. Alas! Snow aside, I've never seen a concert Miss Apple , aka Rebecca La Mela having had the opportunity . And I was wrong. The reference to snow is not random and prophetically in the room just by the pure white of the walls immediately takes me back to the feelings described above and the cold of the evening complete the illusion. Check in advance with Raffaele Marsullo , formerly known as Wilda tonight alongside Rebecca on a few tracks. What little it takes to assemble the evening and a few minutes later (a delay of half an hour, more than anything else) comes the star of the show: Miss Apple .
During the brief soundcheck really the two artists playing everything from Pan to the Oasis of the devil through the Rolling Stones. In fact Raffaele has clear ideas on what to play as Rebecca brought featuring just 24 hours earlier. The evening begins to take shape: there's the patrons of the restaurant and between them there is one very special, Adam Ficek. I guess that this name does not suggest anything. Well, the Babyshambles? Ok, he's behind the drums for the band of Pete Doherty. The room fills up in minutes with people perched on comfy ottoman intent to have a drink.
Rebecca his embraces the EKO, the agreement and the way to the concert, while Raffaele sitting to the side, waiting time to enter the scene. The concert runs off with ease but Rebecca is able to create a good emotional tension, full of empathy. The lineup consists almost entirely of original songs contained on the EP "From The North Song" and some nice cover done in a personal and tasty, with the help of the exposure Wilda on second guitar. Together they discussed the implementation of Wild Horses, Rolling Stones song of the historic 1971, Wonderwall and Do not Look Back In Anger by Oasis, all performed with highly charged emotional. E 'was easy to see that the inclusion of a second guitar has greatly benefited the sound of Miss Apple . I do not ever I'm happy, I saw a very good bass nell'ensemble. He won perhaps greater depth and variety to the whole performance.
to bring the proverbial tendency to become distracted during the live of Rebecca, a crumb thrown by a friend in the audience do the swearing in the middle of the concert and another friend-yeah, that friends! - Blows to the laugh during a very intense song. A sign that faces the stage and the audience with great ease, that is clear, but the professionalism also passes through these things. A good performance, not at all boring, but the project must grow and must renew his proposal to find a not yet reached maturity.
I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time.
Johnny Cantamessa
Vista from her.
For one night Rebecca La Mela abandon the console and go back musician, returns to the guitar, returns to being Miss Apple.
The t-shirt with the Union Jack is the one that betrays his true inspiration, but prefers to talk about his guitar-style American folk. And it is his guitar to speak better than what is the world of Miss Apple , much of the lyrics and his voice. "Songs from the Noth," his Ep, is made of introspective songs backed by a beautiful harmonic basis and a guitar able to move to an agreement. And Miss Apple manages to evoke a past with his songs of rock music made the old fashioned way, one of the origins, but is also careful not to totally immerse yourself in it, managing not to get too with the ghosts of the past. It is music that takes you into another dimension, but is penalized by a voice with a vocal timbre not suitable. Good songs if they were sung by someone else or if Miss Apple decided to stick to more subdued tones and lower notes leaving the treble.
to give her music stand also Raffaele "Wilda" Marsullo engaged to fill with the sound of his guitar the cover of "Wild horses " the Stones. Excellent choice to propose a soft version of "Wonderwall and of coinvolgentissima enter the "Do not Look Back in Anger " by Oasis, as always capable of triggering the public a karaoke effect immediately.
Yet the show does not mesh. And the cause is above all the distraction of Rebecca, who sings his songs seems almost absent-mindedly and think of something else. And consequently the public's attention is diverted and you find yourself looking at the pictures in the room and ask that you make a rectangle of metal screwed to the floor. Miss Apple seems to be one of his concerts and walks away from the microphone too often to greet his friends who come and go from the room, burst out laughing for a face of a friend and let destroy the pathos that " Sea song" was created because of a crumb thrown by a fan. constant interruptions that are not of a certain good live.
And Rebecca "Miss Apple " The Mela is also this.
Vanessa Castronovo
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