Of course, if you spend the first three weeks of concerts and meetings and the rest, started a different chapter, a chapter that I titled "And I bring all your cocks!" made of crumpled pages often anger and a certain weariness, but also a lot of news and betting, a real adventure . Looking for a house and sleep in the meantime my cousin in Downtown (Downtown how beautiful!) Waking up with a smile on my nephew Joachim who has not yet launched a year but is already open arms to life, share house on the 28th with teenager fond of music, the daughter of my friend and teacher Cinzia Spata, find a home in Brooklyn and, once arrived at last, also find a slate that reads "W elcome home Laura (Welcome!)" ... What can I say? Pure magic!
This second chapter also speaks of looking for places for music and people that make the music, my time, because I want to sing my songs in this city and these people. The chapter still open, of course, not without difficulties, but now something starts to move, two new shows on the horizon and collected many meetings. It is a chapter that has the colors of Christmas lights that were turned suddenly and who are just like in the movies, only to be partially covered by whiteness of snow brought in late December by one of the largest storms in U.S. history. A chapter in which a Palermo learn to deal with a cold ever known before, and to walk for days on the heels of some significance. The key word is live, live for the present and will not be repeated in the future which we hope to build, step by step, touch-on, Friendship after friendship, an engine that turns on the question "When accounts back? "
And so, there are still three weeks to live here before taking the plane that will take me to something that I can barely imagine, is home, of course, but will be very different view with new eyes, I I will be different because they are already in place and a deep sense of curiosity accompanies this awareness. I can not say that it is not happy to be back and reunited with my family, friends who were with me in my thoughts, in these past months away, but will certainly leave a lot of pain. For now I think we just do not want to think, but when it happens it is a blow to the stomach. I would not have to go and leave my life here ...
And besides, if we could always do what you want to lose some of the best opportunities to learn something, 'because you do not put too close to never look better .
That will be the third chapter, therefore, will begin soon and will go up on the plane, as well as the first started as soon as I took the flight that brought me here: you feel inside something different, intense excitement mixed to determine, because each trip is an adventure if you address it as such. And so I come home full of memories and experiences, lots of new friends and contacts to grow, full of intentions, hopes, plans and a glittering vintage wardrobe!
Meanwhile time is waiting for me there that vibrates and I with him, there is still the Moma to visit at least twice more, to do a picnic in Central Park full of snow, Keith Jarrett at Carnegie Hall and many jam sessions to attend ... and then two more concerts to prepare, in a duo with a great Italian bass player who has lived here more than two years, Gianluca Renzi, in an Italian church in Long Island and another in New Jersey, trio Gianluca and Fabio Morgera, great trumpeter Italian-New Yorker, by the end of the month!
I am very happy to have made that choice, they have changed the course of events laid the instinct to do what I suggested. Now I'm here and are even stronger because I know I can rely on instinct and it will always be able to tell me what is the direction to take.
Photo Claudia Ragusa
Laura Campisi
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