A theological explanation would be the simplest: "everything" was created by God E 'Being that E' by definition, outside of time and space in an eternal present, infinite and unchanging. L ' Being is, non-being is not, says Parmenides denying anything, as not to be; q uindi there only being infinite and immutable.
remains to explain the progress, or what it looks like becoming, ie the passage of time and the transformation of things, incompatible with the static nature of being, as it requires a transition from non-being, such as death.
Even Plato had raised the issue and, in contrast to Parmenides, it makes a difference, because the ideas in 'supercelestial are immutable and therefore eternal, while the world of things, simplifying and forcing a bit 'a' modern expression, is a blurry hologram dell'iperuranio, materialized by the Demiurge, who is not a creator, but is the power to order.
So God, being immutable, it could not intervene in the real world forever proud, but we note that all major religions base their beliefs on 'God's intervention, both in the creation of the cosmos in our lives of all days.
dogmatically accepted that God is infinite and unchanging, but also very powerful. "so willed there where you can do what you want, and ask no more" (Dante Inf. Part III and V)
I do not like dogmas, and at risk of going to hell, I still "asking".
The current cosmological theories, which try to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity explains the origin of the universe as a fluctuation from the vacuum state.
The fluctuation has resulted in the exploding singularity, the Big Bang, then leads to the expansion of the universe, billions of years after the birth of the solar system.
With the theory of evolution explains the appearance of life and of 'man on Earth. In other words: ex nihilo omnia . The "it" was born from "nothing" to a random fluctuation of the vacuum.
So a logical, scientific and perfect atheist. Problem solved? Absolutely not.
The Nothing is the obsession and the nightmare of philosophical thought, from Aristotle to Plotinus to Augustine, Cusano to Hegel to Heidegger, Sartre, Kierkegaard writes: " Despair is the terror of emptiness, of being nothing more than nothing. " , Leonardo da Vinci : " Infralle great things among us who are , the being of nothing is tremendous " (Atlantic code) and Leopardi: " In sum, the principle of things, and God himself, is nothing " . (Zibaldone).
a bit 'all the philosophers, in one way or another, have faced the problem of nothingness.
Even modern science, continues to question whether and on what is "nothing", for two reasons: because the scientific thought is related to philosophy and to understand why the physical world is necessary to know the properties of the vacuum.
The quantum vacuum is not empty, because the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, is an ocean in constant agitation, during which particles and antiparticles arise and annihilate immediately. It 's a vacuum "medium void", but not the "nihil".
So the universe is born from "nothing" but something that already existed in the "empty" quantum.
But because "there is" the void "medium void"?Ubi veritas?
Q uaeritur!
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