Monday, March 14, 2011

Brother 4040 Cdn Toner Refill

Waines live @ San Cataldo

I did not want to write, not this time, I swear. I went to a concert with the conviction that, for once, only, and only one of the public. But how could I not tell you what happened on that stage?

It 's been almost a year since I last saw Waines on stage and now find them on the eve of the official debut of STO, their new album out in April.

What you notice immediately, since the first agreement, a new power and other, more subtle and internal, that also contaminates the songs from their previous album. I expected the Waines ever, the ones I have come to know well on stage, and impress them instead reinvented himself again, with a more structured sound created by only two guitars and drums.

Fabio Rizzo, Roberto Cammarata and Ferdinando Piccoli are "only" three and it seems almost impossible that you are able to do it all alone on stage without using bases or prerecorded harmonic turns mandates loop. But everything is there, naked and raw on stage, simply played by God, without bass or synth: no a miracle, only true musicians who know how to do their job.

flawless execution and stage presence, capable of pulling the hair to the public on their side, I can say without a shadow of doubt and without fear of contradiction that Waines are made to other stages, the largest and certainly international.

The public is kidnapped and stops in the middle, with his mouth open, watching what happens on stage, with Ferdinand demon behind his drums, Rob seems to have been teleported from the 70s and fingers Fabio you can not follow the neck of his guitar.

It is the pure rock, blues is a genuine one, but it is also a brothel and electronic experimentation. The difference between the old and new tracks can be seen instantly and is more of a feeling skin, with new songs that are full of energy that takes you in the stomach, gets inside you and I do not know the fever me is going up or whether they are, I feel my legs tremble. It is difficult to talk about their music without resorting to sex.

I Waines are professionals who, I repeat, they deserve to be sent out to kick at the top of the charts and boxes for special occasions. And if you do not believe my words because I am a did not think their fans and objectivity, I challenge you to go see a concert and find in them something is wrong.
The only one who can do it is that Fabio Rizzo, accurate to the millimeter, say that you can always do more, there is always to improve.

new parts, the impact of the new album on the public and what is behind STO but I'll get but after the official presentation of the disc Candelai April 15 to April 16 in Palermo and the Lomax Catania.

you time to come and see for yourself if I'm telling you shit.

Vanessa Castronovo

Monday, March 7, 2011

When Will Winn Dixie Release 2010 W2

The Ants - Reports from the estate

Those who thought that, 150 years exactly from the Unification of Italy, the idea of \u200b\u200blarge estates was now largely superseded, they're wrong.
Perhaps there are, at least on paper, the serfs, but just do a quick analysis of the situation in Italy to realize that, fundamentally, nothing has changed since those days. A state divided between the large "landowners" who, from their luxuries and their villas just outside the city, they decide the fate of the small working class, true servants of the owner, exploited and deprived of any social dignity and staff.

is not surprising therefore that, from a land historically exploited and squeezed to the bone like Sicily, adds load anger, "Reports from the estate " Ep de The Ants registered in one of the most interesting production of the island, "The Cave" in Catania.

Like the plantation slaves of the U.S. vent their grief in the blues, in the songs, soul and gospel in the prayers addressed to God, who seemed to have abandoned, so The Ants sing their anger, bleeding and sweating over their simple work tools, guitars, bass and drums. A simple disk deliberately, intentionally directed, punk attitude (those who know Joseph Minasola , Carmelo Drago and Roberto Calabrese remember their early days as Box11a, punk sound and lyrics to Backyard Babies vitriol) and warm sounds like the best tradition of the blues / rock.

The "Reports from the estate de The Ants stories are fleeting, split the daily life of a proletarian (in this regard, very good idea to record and reproduce in " Now I do not like" the sounds of one of the markets of Palermo, the heart of the people), refrains simple texts and ironically cynical (" from the mirror every morning I see an idiot / what do you think of change, chance and your street / no use break your bones / I can not change my life ).

The first piece of the album "Do not laugh more " begins with an exciting cross-riff guitars drums and voices, that seems to say: " Ok, now listen to what we have to say and urlatelo with us." It is no accident in fact, in my opinion, that the same riff is also repeated in the closing track, this time with only the items in the foreground, symbolizing that the time has come to be heard clearly.
In less than three minutes of the initial piece The Ants leave immediately understood their purpose, to involve the listener in their stories, making it an integral part of a song, lyrics, choruses.

second song is "Dust and rules "old war horse of Box11a, taken in key ride blues, echoes of country rock and bluegrass (the backing vocals that give impetus to the verse and mandolin played by Roberto, a versatile drummer).

In less than five minutes has already reached the third song, "Now I'm not going ", which is also clearly printed rock'n'roll, and it feels really thrown in ' The universe de Ants (which, let's face it, it is common to most of us - musicians, students, graduates, workers, unemployed - or at least those who "do not have the father the municipality or the mother to the Region (...) and breaks the kidneys (...) not to do a few bucks for the guitar, but to eat ") and you find yourself unconsciously become part of three, ten, hundred, thousand voices of the chorus, shouting "Now I'm not going." Yes, the ants have achieved their goal, now I'm not the only ones to scream, but the people are serfs to shouting, singing, to point the finger.

It is no coincidence the last song on "Reports from the estate " Italian is a great cover of a certain Giorgio Gaber "I do not feel Italian . "An ode to a pillar of collective music" socially useful "Italian, at the end of deliberately popular album.

Perhaps, the lyrics and searched the music technically unexceptionable, can be a great food for the ears, but when you finish listening to a disc as directed, written by kids 20yo, our soul and our conscience it helped enormously. And let me, we all have a great need.
Vince Matassa
Pictures Ramona Fernandez