Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bucket Sunhat Wholesale

The parables of Shelburne ... more ... more

The parable of the good cherries

At that time the good cherry picker that was preached to every man to repent and abandon everything because, through his own fault, the cherries were getting bigger and bigger, and this, he said, is very ill.
The usual deniers argued that it was not true, and that it's better big cherries, cherries that are too small, but pick them up as good as heretics, and hurled fiery words against them.
And so no one listened to them.
arrived in a village, a character named Boffino said
- Good wallet, what you say is the truth, and is the only truth.
But I went to the market to buy the cherries, and my wife, that denial, denied that they were bigger last year. How can I convince her? -
- It's like me, pick only the biggest, and your wife can not deny the obvious -
- To tell the truth, master, I had already thought about it but the greengrocer, a vile holocaust denier too, has prevented me -
- then do as me, when you get home, throw away the small cherries and preserves only the biggest. So you can prove that science does not lie, and the cherries really are the greatest. -
- But if they remained only a few cherries? -
- What do you care? The last time I bought from a grocery store Russian 34, I threw away those that I agreed, and I have only 12 left.
But those have become rich and famous. -

Word of Shelburne.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big Boobs And Bra Dresss

The parables of Shelburne ... more

The parable of the shooter of stones.

At that time, the man walked toward the hill of the mountain ' Olive, between the valley of the Oak and the trail of Margaret. But at dawn he went back to the cathedral and all the people came to him and he greeted them.
So he saw a man who was much acclaimed, but a bystander struck one with a tripod, and then another hit him with a statuette of the cathedral itself, shouting "Mu ... mu .. Muo ... die."
Then the king's soldiers stopped him, but the assailant tartaglia
"So. .. I know ... .. I have pe ... pe ..."
"Six Pepper?" Asked
"They are pe ... sorry!"
"Let him go," said the man had been hit, with great magnanimity, and they let him go, and that, just around the corner rubbed hands, exclaiming
"Ave .. ave ..."
"Hail to you, sir," answered his greeting to those who stood near
"Nonsense ave, volleys volleys ... I mean ... you ... you ... you saw how I hit. I hit him .. right? Oh, how I know ... how ... bra bra ... bravo! "

Meanwhile, the man who was shot was still bleeding, and the man of the hill, worried about such violence, he said wisely:
"None of you throw a stone as if it is not without sin!"
But at that moment a man appeared from the eyes of Braga, more wide open than those of Ficarra, and pulling hard man of the hill for the coat, shouted
"What c'azzecca ? This man is the devil, and if you teneressi him tightly, I hit them with stones, not too big nor too small, to make him suffer more! "

Word of Shelburne.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Symptoms Of Sore Shoulder

The parables of Shelburne

The parable of the Good entrepreneur

At that time there was a lot of people who did not work.
Then the good farmer said
- Let the unemployed come to me, a job that I find him -
And the unemployed came to him, claiming their rights.
- We have the right to work, says the Constitution -
- And you are in good health? -
- Sure -
- So why not v'hanno given the job as that you are eligible? -
- Why have said that the Constitution states that we have the right to work, but not those who pay. -
- And they do not want to pay? -
- No, we want to earn! -
- Ah, blasphemy, "gain" ... work is a right. Here gentlemen, I give you the job at all. Go and work, and if someone tells you something, you say that you have the blessing of a good entrepreneur -
The crowd began to move, but some unrepentant Malfidano, churches
- But a good entrepreneur, we work, but then, who pays us? -
- I found the job I have, not what you wanted? Go and work! -
But still do not trust the shifty-eyed
- We have not understood, a good entrepreneur, we seek work, but in reality we are interested in the money .... you know, the family, the bills - even in those days there were bills - taxes, clothing, stuff to eat ... now that big dog barking at night while we eat, the rent, that too has increased, and daughters dovemo to give more meat ... In short, we need them deaf -
- You can not ask me to make you deaf, if anything, I would like to heal -
- not there in print heads, 'said ...- them money

The entrepreneur had a good break, so celentano as taught us, which is very "engaged thinker" and said
- All right, there will soon be the assembly of the people, and I will be elected king, and so solve all your problems -
- There you will find a job? -
- This is easy, every unemployed person will read books to the blind, or count the birds that pass, or draw pictures of ... the work is not a problem, that is! -
- No, find unnecessary work, or even praiseworthy, but which do not produce wealth, it is certainly easy, but
someone will pay, and with that money, to count the birds crusts or paint? Who will cultivate the wheat to make flour? and who will cook the bread? And when someone is hungry, if there is no bread, what to eat? -
- Oh, that's not a problem, do like me, eat brioche! -

Why, when the entrepreneur is good brioscista, believes that the problems are easy, and that is enough "work" for doing a job "useful", which creates wealth. But the rich do not create unnecessary work, and do not produce bread. Just as well then there are the pastries.

Word of Shelburne.