An act of madness? It is likely, but even more a tribute to a great record (double), which marked entire generations and still continues to claim victims.
'Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness' album is one of the most important for the career of the Smashing Pumpkins in twenty-eight tracks that largely sums up the creative abilities of Billy Corgan and company, giving a demonstration of how to bring together so a lot of different styles blended so beautifully homogeneous. The (neutral) project started by the band of Syracuse Albanopower .
According to legend, the band was on a van in the direction of Naples and had just inserted into the CD player of their minibus MCIS it went something like this: "And if we do a cover of this album?" . Answer: "And if we do everything?" . After realizing that re twenty-eight tracks would be incredibly grueling work and that the first listeners of this album would probably have been their children, the Albanians have decided to use a very simple tactic, at least in theory: the division of labor. Involving about fifty musicians, both known and newcomers, who share a boundless creativity and put coal in the locomotive of the project.
In the lineup you will find, in addition to Albanopower course, Waines, Cesare Basile , action set, the Casador Alessandro Raina and many other names you've heard and listened to many times. Needless to comment on the effort against Lorenzo Urciullo voice of Albanopower , coordinating all these musicians.
But as the result? Good, very good indeed. Work which does not kill the beauty of the originals, but rather gives added value with an immense modesty and honesty. No claim to surpass the original, mind you, but this is already clear from the intentions of the musicians. A tribute, well done to one of the best bands we have ever been in rock and an album that after fifteen years is still present and a source of inspiration. Billy Corgan has even talked about the project Albanopumpkins the pages of his Facebook profile. Not bad right? The
Albanopower have a very prolific relationship with Christmas and this disc does nothing but repeat.
From "Nerds Attack" - online magazine