Yesterday you asked us to publish the text of the UN Conference on Racism. But we prefer to tell a story that explains better than many other Orwellian nature of the summit that has just ended in Geneva. It tells you nothing as Ashraf al-Hajui?
Orwell in Geneva
Roberto Santoro
April 23, 2009
The story we want to tell starring the Palestinian doctor Ashraf al-Hajui. Does anyone remember that in 1999 he was arrested in Libya with five Bulgarian sisters. The accusation was heavy: infecting hundreds of children with blood contaminated with the AIDS virus. Police it locked up for eight years in Libyan jails and experience was hellish. Ashraf said that they were raped repeatedly by a German shepherd, that the nails were ripped from his hands, which haunted him with electric shocks to his testicles. He "confessed" anything to feed her executioners. Eventually he was released thanks to the providential intervention of France. We are in 2007. Even the surly lady
Najjat \u200b\u200bal-Hajjaji is Libyan. To be precise, was the ambassador of Colonel Gaddafi during the preparatory work of Durban II. It is not about any one delegate. They named president of the main committee which coordinated the summit. Here comes the coup de theater, a deadly scored by "UN Watch," the jew-American organization that deals with "monitoring the performance of the United Nations to verify that they meet the principles of their founding charter."
Last Friday, the main commission of Mrs. Najjat \u200b\u200b30 minutes grants to NGOs to discuss and make proposals on the text that that day will be approved by acclamation. In the jumble of NGOs involved in the world to remember the persecution of the Palestinians, the president gives the floor to the director of UN Watch. Maybe he expected a speech by Hillel Neuer, the executive director. Instead to take the floor is just a Palestinian persecuted mercilessly. Dr. Ashraf.
"Madame - begins paying him a look of ice Libyan ambassador - I do not know if you recognized me. I am a Palestinian doctor who was used as a scapegoat for his country, Libya, during the case on HIV in the Benghazi hospital, along with five Bulgarian sisters. " The reaction of Mrs. Hajjaji is so dry and instant. The woman fought with virulence his gavel interrupting Ashraf: "Stop, stop, I ask you to stop," says un'alterigia by slaps. He adds that able to continue its intervention will be limited only to talk about issues on the agenda.
But Ashraf is talking to the denial of human rights (crimes Libyans apparently were not on the agenda of the Geneva Conference). Resumed when the word is proposing to amend the text with some notes "based on my personal suffering." Ambassador interrupts him again, stirring the stupid hammer censorship. "Ma'am - he continues undaunted - if this is not discrimination, what are we talking about?". "Libya has taken part in this conference saying he rejects the discriminatory practices. But as he explains what has happened to me and has touched my family? ". The
Hajjaji definitely takes away the word and pass it to the Libyan delegate, who is quick saying that Ashraf has gone off topic. So the president gave the floor to the delegate next. Here's how it went Durban 2. "Orwell in Geneva," he eloquently titled the American magazine Commentary.
A manager at Human Rights Watch had asked these days in Western countries not to boycott "Durban II" because racism is fought in the appropriate United Nations bodies. It is also a widespread view that the final text of the conference would be "amended" the extremity of previous drafts. Geneva is in fact staged the classic "double standard" that the United Nations - or rather the lobby Third World that has monopolized the UN - used to attack Israel, European colonialism and American neo-colonialism, silence or censor other incidents of harassment of the regimes are guilty of civil liberty around the world. E2% 80% 99ipocrisia + of + Durban + and + the + crime + of + libia.0070229
(With this link You can also see a video)
Orwell in Geneva
Roberto Santoro
April 23, 2009
The story we want to tell starring the Palestinian doctor Ashraf al-Hajui. Does anyone remember that in 1999 he was arrested in Libya with five Bulgarian sisters. The accusation was heavy: infecting hundreds of children with blood contaminated with the AIDS virus. Police it locked up for eight years in Libyan jails and experience was hellish. Ashraf said that they were raped repeatedly by a German shepherd, that the nails were ripped from his hands, which haunted him with electric shocks to his testicles. He "confessed" anything to feed her executioners. Eventually he was released thanks to the providential intervention of France. We are in 2007. Even the surly lady
Najjat \u200b\u200bal-Hajjaji is Libyan. To be precise, was the ambassador of Colonel Gaddafi during the preparatory work of Durban II. It is not about any one delegate. They named president of the main committee which coordinated the summit. Here comes the coup de theater, a deadly scored by "UN Watch," the jew-American organization that deals with "monitoring the performance of the United Nations to verify that they meet the principles of their founding charter."
Last Friday, the main commission of Mrs. Najjat \u200b\u200b30 minutes grants to NGOs to discuss and make proposals on the text that that day will be approved by acclamation. In the jumble of NGOs involved in the world to remember the persecution of the Palestinians, the president gives the floor to the director of UN Watch. Maybe he expected a speech by Hillel Neuer, the executive director. Instead to take the floor is just a Palestinian persecuted mercilessly. Dr. Ashraf.
"Madame - begins paying him a look of ice Libyan ambassador - I do not know if you recognized me. I am a Palestinian doctor who was used as a scapegoat for his country, Libya, during the case on HIV in the Benghazi hospital, along with five Bulgarian sisters. " The reaction of Mrs. Hajjaji is so dry and instant. The woman fought with virulence his gavel interrupting Ashraf: "Stop, stop, I ask you to stop," says un'alterigia by slaps. He adds that able to continue its intervention will be limited only to talk about issues on the agenda.
But Ashraf is talking to the denial of human rights (crimes Libyans apparently were not on the agenda of the Geneva Conference). Resumed when the word is proposing to amend the text with some notes "based on my personal suffering." Ambassador interrupts him again, stirring the stupid hammer censorship. "Ma'am - he continues undaunted - if this is not discrimination, what are we talking about?". "Libya has taken part in this conference saying he rejects the discriminatory practices. But as he explains what has happened to me and has touched my family? ". The
Hajjaji definitely takes away the word and pass it to the Libyan delegate, who is quick saying that Ashraf has gone off topic. So the president gave the floor to the delegate next. Here's how it went Durban 2. "Orwell in Geneva," he eloquently titled the American magazine Commentary.
A manager at Human Rights Watch had asked these days in Western countries not to boycott "Durban II" because racism is fought in the appropriate United Nations bodies. It is also a widespread view that the final text of the conference would be "amended" the extremity of previous drafts. Geneva is in fact staged the classic "double standard" that the United Nations - or rather the lobby Third World that has monopolized the UN - used to attack Israel, European colonialism and American neo-colonialism, silence or censor other incidents of harassment of the regimes are guilty of civil liberty around the world. E2% 80% 99ipocrisia + of + Durban + and + the + crime + of + libia.0070229
(With this link You can also see a video)