Friday, July 2, 2010

10/22 Synthetic Vs Wood

Miss Apple Pan

The many facets of rock core. So you can describe Miss Apple , twenty-two English-Italian singer-songwriter, influenced by sound research Damien Rice as the rock stone Kinks and Troggs.

many years as "frontwoman" passionate, given its origins, but with a strong British press, in a rock band sounds dirty and aggressive. Yet

Miss Apple , aka Rebecca La Mela, feels the need of something else, the need to get back into the game, to expose her sweet side and a dreamer. Rebecca feels the need to sit down and whisper something. Rebecca feels the need to sing his most simple and pure feelings, sometimes loving, sometimes of deep sorrow, or, conversely, of childlike joy. Simple texts but by no means trivial, we raccondano of smiles and goodbyes, dreams and fears. Everyday stories, whispered with the simplicity, sweetness and purity that only a mind deep rock might have. E 'undeniable influence, in the lyrics and melodies of Miss Apple, the so-called "balladeers, Johnny Cash, Johnny Thunders , Nikki Sudden , icons of rock and roll from the soul deeply romantic.

A guitar, a piano and his voice. Rebecca has this need to bring us back imaginatively to the most perfect stretches of green fields and the smell of Irish saltiness of the Atlantic Ocean. What is essential to bring us back to a simple size, and known for anything artificial. The human dimension, with his strength and his weakness. The size of
Miss Apple, with the His pure sweet soul deeply in rock.

Vince Matassa
Photo: Federico Laudani